Best Adjustable Dumbbells
By Dane Millen
Want the best adjustable dumbbells for your home gym?
The "best" however may mean different things to different people. For some the best will be a smaller set of dumbbells to use along with a workout video, while for others it'll be one of the bigger sets to be used to add mass through more traditional body part workouts. While still others are more budget conscious.
This being the case, let's take a look at the best dumbbell sets based on your fitness goals and budget.
Best For Flattening Your Belly
If you're a woman looking to flatten your belly without breaking the bank, you may want to consider either the Jillian Michaels set or the XMark Fitness 25 pound set. Both will get you started nicely, without costing you too much.
Each of these sets can be used with a workout DVD, or by themselves in either a fat loss style workout, or a body part workout.
Keep in mind though, that to lose stomach fat the fastest, and get back in your skinny jeans, always concentrate on exercises that work the large muscles of your body like your chest, back, and legs. Working these big muscles will help you burn more calories, build more muscle, and speed your metabolism. Add in a little cardio interval training and you'll be a fat burning machine.
Best For Building Muscle Mass
If you'd like to pack on some muscle mass, you can definitely get started with one of the dumbbells sets above, but you might find yourself needing to expand to a heavier set sooner than you'd like.
The best adjustable dumbbells for building muscle mass will be PowerBlock adjustable dumbbells, BowFlex SelecTech 552 dumbbells, and Ironmaster adjustable dumbbells. They're a little more expensive, but if you have it in the budget, going with a slightly bigger set may be cheaper in the long run.
The Ironmaster dumbbell set comes with the most weight of the three, as it adjusts up to 75 pounds. There's even an add-on kit that can take your Ironmaster dumbbell set up to 120 pounds, which is more than enough weight for most people.
The other two sets, PowerBlock dumbbells and Bowflex SelecTech Adjustable dumbbells are also top choices.
PowerBlocks come in a few versions. PowerBlock Classic adjustable dumbbells adjust from 5 to 45 pounds. PowerBlock Personal Trainer Set adjusts from 5 to 50 pounds. And finally the PowerBlock Elite dumbbell set goes all the way up to 90 pounds.
The BowFlex SelecTech 552 dumbbell set is nice as well. The 552 set adjusts from 5 to 52.5 pounds, and while it's not a ton of weight, it's still a great set that's pretty versatile. My only slight gripe with the set is that they feel a little big when you're using them.
Overall, the best adjustable dumbbells will be those that best fit your exercise goals and your budget. If you're goal is to stay lean, but you want more weight for the days you feel like "going heavy", definitely consider one of the bigger dumbbell sets.
If you're just getting started, the Jillian Michaels dumbbells, or the XMArk Fitness 25 pound dumbbell set are fantastic choices.
Want to make sure you pick the best adjustable dumbbell set, at the best price? Go to my site at:
Adjustable Dumbbell Reviews [http://www.adjustabledumbbellreviews.info] for full reviews of the best selling adjustable dumbbell sets [http://www.adjustabledumbbellreviews.info] on the market.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dane_Millen/333052
Fat Loss Workouts With Dumbbells
By Troy Van Spanje
Workouts with Dumbbells
You don't have to head to the gym to blast fat away. All you need is a set of dumbbells and you have all the equipment you need for a great fat loss workout. While many individuals think that dumbbells only help with muscle building, building muscle and burning calories with a good dumbbell workout can torch that unwanted fat as well. When you lift weights, the body keeps working, even once you're done with the workout. If you're ready to start your own fat loss workout at home, grab those dumbbells and get ready to torch fat and calories.
Great Exercises with Dumbbells to Add to Your Fat Loss Workout
First, you'll want to come up with some great exercises using dumbbells to add to your workout. Some of these exercises focus on specific muscle groups, while other dumbbell exercises use multiple muscle groups, improving the amount of fat you burn during the workout. Here's a look at some of the best dumbbell exercises to add to your fat loss workouts.
- Exercise #1 - Dumbbell Squats - Holding dumbbells straight down at your side, do regular squats while squeezing your glues and abs. Use your quads, glutes and hamstrings to return to the original position.
- Exercise #2 - Lying Triceps Extensions - Start by lying down on a weight bench or on the floor. Hold dumbbells above the chest in each hand with palms facing inward. Keeping the shoulders in place, lower the dumbbells slowly back to the side of the head. Slowly move back to the starting position.
- Exercise #3 - Walking Lunges - Hold the dumbbells at your sides. Move forward into a lunge and then bring the back leg forward, swinging into a lunge. Continue as if you're walking taking lunging, giant steps.
- Exercise #4 - Dumbbell Shoulder Presses - Holding a dumbbell in each hand, put hands at shoulder height with abs tight. Press the dumbbells up over your head. Return to shoulder height slowly.
- Exercise #5 - Dumbbell Step-ups - While holding dumbbells at your sides or in a curl position in front of you, step up on a low bench or step with one foot, bringing the other leg up alongside it. Hold for a couple seconds and lower back to the floor. Do sets with each leg.
- Exercise #6 - Chest Press - Lying down on a workout bench, hold dumbbells above the chest with palms facing towards your feet. Keep feet flat on the floor. Bend the elbows and lower the dumbbells to the chest. Hold for a second and push the dumbbells back to the start position while squeezing the chest muscles.
Other great dumbbell exercises to consider adding to your fat loss workout include:
- Alternating Dumbbell Chest Presses
- Rear Deltoid Raises
- Dumbbell Rows
- Romanian Deadlifts
- Split Squats
- Dumbbell Curls
Tips for Increasing the Results of Your Dumbbell Fat Loss Workout
Now that you have some great dumbbell exercises to add to your fat loss workout, it's important to take measures to increase the results you enjoy when doing this workout. Follow these tips to maximize fat loss when you work out using dumbbells.
- Tip #1 - Add Bursts of Cardio - Start adding short bursts of cardio to your dumbbells workout. Run in place, do jumping jacks or use a stair climber to get your heart rate going faster. Add 30-90 short bursts of cardio between dumbbell exercises. It will keep your heart rate up, maximizing your fat loss results.
- Tip #2 - Minimize Your Rest Time - Instead of resting between every dumbbell exercise, minimize rest time to only 30-60 seconds. This will increase your calorie burn, since you'll be working out for more time. You'll also keep your heart rate up throughout your whole workout, increasing your fat loss.
- Tip #3 - Try Combo Exercises - For more fat loss, do combo exercises, which burn more calories. For example, you could do a combination of a dumbbell squat into an overhead dumbbell press. Since you'll be using more body parts in quick succession, more calories are burned.
- Tip #4 - Focus on Exercises That Use Multiple Muscle Groups - Last, focus on exercises that use multiple muscle groups, especially large muscle groups. Once again, this will increase the calorie burn and your fat loss.
With some great dumbbell exercises and a few helpful tips, you can create your own fat loss workout using dumbbells. You'll be able to work out at home while doing exercises that provide excellent results.
Troy van spanje is a personal trainer and Fat loss expert
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Troy_Van_Spanje/2018021
Dumbbell Exercises for Fitness and Increasing Muscle Mass
By Adam Fromm
Whether your goal is general fitness, increased muscle mass, strength endurance or improved athletic performance, resistance training with dumbbells can help you get there. We all want to experience the greatest gains in the shortest amount of time, and research has shown that the most efficient form of strength training is with free weights.
Compared with any conventional exercise machine, free weights deliver the maximum stimulus to your muscular system. Unlike gym machines, where targeted muscles are isolated, training with free weights forces your body to continuously employ supportive, stabilizing muscles. The result is more rapid improvements in strength than can be achieved utilizing any other process. And the easiest and most effective method of strength training with free weights is working out with dumbbells.
You can do an entire workout with dumbbells alone. They're compact and can be moved around easily. They're easy to store, so you can exercise at home and not worry about dedicating an entire room to workout equipment. This is especially true with an adjustable dumbbell system. They're so versatile you can work just about every part of your body with them. And most importantly, they're effective.
The following is a complete upper body workout - all you need is a set of dumbbells and a workout bench. The workout targets all the major muscle groups in the upper body, including the chest, shoulders, back, traps, biceps and triceps. For general fitness, toning, firming and endurance training, you'll be lifting smaller weights with high repetitions. For building muscle mass and absolute power, heavy weights and low reps - either way, the exercises are performed the same and provide a complete and highly effective upper body workout.
Chest Dumbbell Exercises
Flat Chest Presses
- Lying flat on bench, hold the dumbbells directly above chest with the arms extended
- Lower dumbbells to the chest in a slow and controlled manner
- Slowly press dumbbells back to starting position
- Do as many repetitions as you can until failure
Notes: Avoid locking elbows
Flat Chest Flies
- Lying flat on bench, hold dumbbells directly above chest, palm facing each other
- As you come down, bend elbows slightly and maintain throughout the exercise
- Open arms to sides. Elbows should remain locked in a slightly flexed position
- Feel a nice stretch in the pectorals
- When upper arms are parallel to floor, return the weights to the starting position and repeat.
Notes: Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back flat on the bench. Use a count of 3 on the way down, pause, and a count of 3 back up to starting position
Shoulder Dumbbell Exercises
Seated Shoulder Presses
- Sit upright on bench or use an adjustable incline bench set to just under 90 degrees
- Make sure back is straight and flat 3. Start with dumbbells over your head with palms facing forward
- Slowly lower dumbbells to shoulders 5. When arms are at 90 degrees, press the dumbbells back up
Notes: Don't crack the dumbbells together and don't lock your elbows out. This exercise develops the entire shoulder muscle group and is also useful for shoulder injuries. There is a tendency to lean back while performing this exercise - don't - this reduces its effectiveness as well as placing strain on the lower back.
Lateral Raises
- Stand upright, knees slightly bent, shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells in front of thighs
- Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height
- When arms are parallel to floor, slowly lower and repeat
Notes: Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists and keep elbows slightly bent throughout. If elbows drop lower than wrists, front deltoids become primary mover instead of lateral deltoids.
Front Raises
- Stand upright, knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart, palms towards thighs
- Raise one dumbbell directly in front of you to eye level with only a slight bend in the elbow - keep your body still so the anterior deltoid is fully engaged
- When arm is parallel to ground lower dumbbell slowly back
- Repeat with the other arm. Notes: Keep a slight bend in the elbow when lifting
Notes: Great exercise for those with shoulder injuries, particularly rotator cuff injuries
Back Dumbbell Exercise
Single Arm Row
- Stand upright next to bench. Place one knee up on the bench for support and the other on the floor and one arm locked out on the bench. Upper body should be parallel to floor
- Reach down and pick up a dumbbell with your free hand
- Without cheating, lift the dumbbell as slowly as you can, keeping your stomach tight
- Raise dumbbell up to your midsection keeping back still throughout movement
- Slowly lower dumbbell to start position and repeat.
Notes: Keep your back flat and parallel to the floor
Trapezius Dumbbell Exercise
Upright Rows
- Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent
- Grasp dumbbells and stand with palms facing front of thighs - keep your back straight
- Pull dumbbells to front of shoulder, chin height, with elbows leading out to sides
- Hold for a count of 2 and slowly lower to start position and repeat
Notes: The dumbbells should be close to the body as you raise them and the elbows should drive the motion. Continue to lift until they nearly touch your chin. As you lift the dumbbells, your elbows should always be higher than your forearms. Also, if you suffer from shoulder problems, you may want to stay away from this exercise, substituting another form of lateral raise.
Biceps Dumbbell Exercise
Preacher Curls
- Set bench to 45 degree angle - stand behind the bench
- Hold dumbbell with arm fully extended on back rest
- Keep back of upper arm against back rest and curl dumbbell up towards your face
- Slowly lower dumbbell until arm is nearly fully extended
Notes: Great for isolating the biceps and forcing them to work independently. As a general rule, always hit the weakest arm first.
Triceps Dumbbell Exercise
French Presses
- Lie flat on bench, holding dumbbells directly above chest with palms facing each other. Dumbbells should just about touch one other.
- Keep your shoulders locked, your abdominal muscles tight, chest up, and elbows stable
- Let your elbows fold so dumbbells are lowered down to either side of head.
- Push the weight up, stopping just before your elbows are straight
- Reverse the motion back down.
Notes: Always start with a light weight and make sure you can lift it in a safe and controlled manner using good technique. Using a heavier weight too soon can result in injury.
Adjustable dumbbells enable you to workout faster and smarter. They are great space-savers, are less expensive than comparable conventional dumbbell sets, and are easy to use and convenient.
To learn more about adjustable dumbbells, including in-depth reviews of all the best adjustable dumbbell systems by Bowflex Dumbbells [http://www.bowflex-dumbbells.com] and PowerBlock, visit the Bowflex Reviews [http://www.bowflex-dumbbells.com/bowflex-reviews] website where you can also find out how to purchase Bowflex and PowerBlock dumbbells for up to 60% off.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Adam_Fromm/886283
Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells (Pair)

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